Determining water quality is a key
question and legislation aims at achieving an ecological and chemical “good
status” of all water bodies. In this module, we focus on superficial water
bodies (e.g.: rivers, lakes, estuaries, coastal waters) and the way to assess
the status of their physico-chemical status by means of measures, sampling and
laboratory analysis.
Field operations are located in the coastal
lagoon of Vieux Boucau (SW France). Students are in charge of the monitoring
design, the hydrological monitoring and laboratory activities.
aim of this course is to provide students with a largely comprehensive
introduction to aquatic system monitoring by using a wide range of field equipment and lab analyses to investigate the physics and geochemistry of surficial
At the end of the Unit, students should
be able:
1. to know the basis for defining water
2. to set up a sampling strategy (types
of pollutants, station location, sampling frequency, sampling apparatus)
3. to perform basic laboratory activities
(concentration measurements), control the quality of the data and process data
4. to understand and interpret a water
5. to use databases (multi-variables
data), statistical analysis and trend determinations to present, interpret and evaluate results in
appropriate forms.
Key Skills Acquired
At the end of this Unit, students should
1. the sampling strategy to encompass
spatial and temporal variations
2. the major parameters used to define
water quality and measurement methods
3. analytical methods to quantify
nutrients and particulate matter parameters
Topics covered include:
• Sample preparation: sampling, preservation, preparation, extraction, analysis
• Expression of results: studied parameters, units,
presentation of results, precision and accuracy
• Chemical substances and pollution criteria
• Major physicochemical characteristics (T,
salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, turbidity),
measurement methods
• Particulate material (organic SPM,
C, N, P, chlorophyll pigments), measurement methods
• Nutrients (nitrite, nitrate, ammonia,
phosphate, silicate), measurement
• Application of analytical methods to environmental samples
Learning & Teaching
• Lectures: 30 hr
• Practical tutorials : 6 hr
• Field and lab analysis 24 hr
Teaching Staff
M Monperrus / L Lanceleur
Timetable slot To be advised
• Fundamentals of Environmental Sampling
and Analysis, by Chunlong Zhang
• Water Quality: An
Introduction , by Claude E. Boyd
• Written theory examination (50%)
• Field report presenting details of
sampling collection and environmental measurements as well as post-fieldwork
Course Evaluation
By completion of University Unit
Evaluation Questionnaire by students, annual assessment by Unit Coordinator.