- Modify line 93 of the Python file folium_utils.py located in the root of directory /Ch5/ to add the geographical data
- from geo_str=top_x_jsons to geo_data=top_x_jsons
- Mody line 100 of the same file to manage the float boundaries of the bins:
- from threshold_scale=bins x in bins] to threshold_scale=[float(x) for x in bins]
- And finally, don't forget to use the style fivethirtyeight, or another one if you prefer, in the pyplot import
- ...
- from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
- plt.style.use('fivethirtyeight')
- %matplotlib inline
- ...
Geographical map error solution (Lab
Número de respuestas: 1
En respuesta a Nestor David Bohorquez Galeano
Re: Geographical map error solution (Lab
*Note: Remeber to restart the kernel to update the changes made in the Python file.